Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Is Caffeine Truly Dangerous and Addictive?
Is Caffeine Truly Dangerous and Addictive?
1- Coffee contains nitrosamines which are carcinogenic.
2- The adrenal glands pump out stress hormones that stay elevated for up to 18 hours after consumption.
3- It Increases high artificial adrenalin in blood.
4- The liver releases higher amounts of sugar and fat into the blood stream.
5- The pancreas produces insulin to remove the excess blood sugar and store it as fat.
6- The insulin spikes create a blood sugar rollercoaster.
7- Muscle tension is increased.
8- The blood vessels constrict, reducing the flow of oxygen to important areas like your brain (up to 30%) and your extremities.
9- Its one of the main cause of high blood pressure.
10- Digestion and the immune system are impaired or suppressed.
11- The production of DHEA and other anti-aging hormones is decreased. ( If You want to say young, avoid caffeine)
12- Cortisol and other stress hormones are elevated.
13- We lose Calcium and Magnesium by drinking caffeinated drinks
14- It takes the body 24 hours to flush out the harmful effects of coffee (even 1 cup!), even though it contributes absolutely nothing to the total body chemistry.
15- It is harmful to the liver, kidneys, heart, bladder, digestive tract, bones, teeth, skin, growing fetuses and newborns.
When you drink caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea and most sodas, the caffeine in the drink causes increased neuron activity in the nervous system, which in turn results in release of adrenalin. That’s why caffeine gets us wide awake and alert as soon as it is sipped. As adrenal high wears off in the blood, you start to feel tired, irritated, confused and may experience a headache. This is usually results in reaching for another cup of coffee/tea/soda and the roller coaster ride starts over.
Caffeine Products:
1- 1 cup of Coffee has 40 to 150 milligrams of caffeine.
2- 1 cup of Tea has 10 to 50 milligrams of caffeine. (Wikipedia)
3- Most of the soft drinks contain at least 50 milligrams of caffeine.
4- Energy drinks contains 70 to 400 grams of caffeine.
5- Chocolate contains 5 to 10 milligrams of caffeine per ounce.
Fact about health benefits of Tea
Claims that tea is a good source of anti- oxidants are true. But there are plenty of other sources of anti-oxidants that do not have the harmful effects of tea.
What to do, to curb Caffeine Cravings?
Drink the following thing, when ever you get caffeine cravings.
1- Drink lot of water and flush out toxins in your body.
2- Switch to Cereal coffees, but not too hot.
3- Herbal teas, but not too hot.
4- Switch to soy milk, nut milk, seed and grain milk.
5- Fresh juices made at home.
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