Wednesday 6 February 2013

Seven Dangerous Act After Meal

Seven Dangerous Act After Meal
1. Do not smoke —- from experts proves that smoking a cigarette in the later meal similar to smoking 10 cigarettes (higher cancer risk).
2. Do not eat fruits immediately — eat fruits immediately in later meals will cause stomach blown up with air. So take fruits 1 -2 hours after a meal or 1 hour before a meal.
3. Do not sip tea and —— tea leaves filled with a high content of acid. This is the essence of why the content of protein content in the food we drink to be 100, which is not easy to digest.
4. Do not unpack your belt ———- ease the belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to simply be distorted or blocked.
5. Do not bathe —————– shower after a meal because the cause of enlargement of blood flow to the hands, legs and body and thus the amount of blood flow around the stomach and thus reduce, and this is the weakest growth of the organism in abdominal our digestive system.
6. Do not walk ————- people at all times say later about the meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. The real truth of this is not true. I will walk the basis of the digestive organism to be able to absorb nutrition from the food we eat.
7. Do not sleep immediately —— and the food we eat would not be appropriate to digest. Therefore, it will lead to the stomach and intestine.
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Seven Dangerous Act After Meal


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