Thursday 13 December 2012

Health Benefits of Honey

Health Benefits of Honey

1. Honey cures for cough: Tea made from fresh ginger root with honey soothes cough. Or, mix very hot milk with one tablespoon of honey and drink warm.

2. Honey cure for heart disease: Add wildflower honey in a glass of water with the juice of one lemon.

3 Honey cure for constipation: For the treatment of constipation, drink honey dissolved in cold water, because dissolved in warm water causes the opposite effect.

4. Honey cure for immunity: Every morning, on an empty stomach take one spoon of honey.

5. Chamomile tea with honey soothes insomnia and dizziness.

6. Dog Rose tea with honey is recommended for the treatment of kidney, urinary bladder and urinary tract.

7. Honey for encouraging energy: During sports training or other physical exertion, drink water to which was added a little honey.

8. Honey and milk are a great choice for natural skin care.

9. At the end, a mixture of honey and cinnamon has many health benefits, according to the traditional Eastern medicine. We wrote about it on a separate page.


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